Tuesday, March 11, 2008

I The Supremely Difficult Book… Post dos…

I actually finished "I The Supreme" over the weekend but just couldn’t think of something to say that would add anything more to my last post. Just making it through that book seems like a major accomplishment. It was confusing, and way too long. I think I get it… the Supreme was another narcissistic madman obsessed with power, yet at the same had some strange, almost endearing qualities. It seems that this concept could have been expressed in slightly fewer pages, but then maybe I still don’t understand entirely.

Like I discussed in my last post this book requires one read in an entirely new way. I made it through but feel as though I could not devote the time needed to truly understand. I guess I still don’t see why it’s such an important book. I won’t lie and say that I would ever have read a book like this if I were not forced to. That said, I’m not returning it, so I’m hoping sometime I’ll leisurely pick it up again and give it some more attention, when I don’t have a reading load that averages around 100 pages a night...

On another note... I hereby pledge to become a “good” person once again…

1 comment:

Baysee said...

yeah it was a long book with small fonts and lots of pages. But I believe it is an important novel as this novel allows the readers to get to know more about Dr.Francia as a dictator and the major theme in our class writing and power.